The Data Resiliency Guarantee

Total Coverage. Zero Compromises. Up to $10M.

Data loss and downtime isn’t limited to ransomware. The Druva Data Resiliency Guarantee protects against five key risks including Cybercrime, Human, Application, Operational, and Environmental risks.

Protection Against Five Key Risk Areas

The Data Resiliency Guarantee goes beyond the typical guarantees associated with other data protection, security, and recovery solutions and protects against:


Cyber Risk

Risk of unauthorized, internal or external, data access, deletion, theft, or modification


Human Risk

Risk of accidental deletion or other user error

Application Risk

Application Risk

Risk of data protection application failure resulting in old, incomplete, or failed backup

Operational Risk

Operational Risk

Risk of hardware corruption or degradation resulting in incomplete or unusable backup

Environmental Risk

Environmental Risk

Risk of downtime or inability to access backup for recovery

Financially-backed SLAs

More importantly, your data is protected and secure from these risks via 5, financially-backed, SLAs – up to $10M. Best of all, the program is available for all customers, free of charge, assuming you meet the program’s requirements.



Guarantee that Customer Data will not be compromised as a result of a Security Incident



Guarantee that the last successful backup of Customer Data will be recoverable in the event of a Ransomware Incident

Application Risk


Guarantee that backups will complete successfully in accordance with Customer Policies

Operational Risk


Guarantee that Customer Data backed up is recoverable

Environmental Risk


Guarantee that Cloud Services will be available not less than 99.5% of the time during a Reporting Period


Learn more about the Druva Data Resiliency Guarantee

Learn more about how the Data Resiliency Guarantee can help your organization

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You Need More than Ransomware Protection

The stakes have been raised: your data is under attack from more than just ransomware.

Human, application, operational, and environmental risks to your data abound with increased frequency – and equally devastating to your business.

But unmatched protection against data loss and downtime is within your grasp.

The Druva Data Resiliency Guarantee end-to-end coverage for your data against five key risk events, up to $10M. Contact us today to ensure your data is always safe, and always ready.

All cyberthreats, zero compromises

Internal negligence – not external attacks – is the #1 cause of ransomware. The Druva Data Resiliency Guarantee covers both,up to $10M, to ensure your data is always safe and always ready when you need it.

Total coverage against risk events

Data loss and downtime isn't limited to cybercrime. The Druva Data Resiliency Guarantee protects customers, up to $10M, against all 5 major categories of risk: Cyber, Operational, Human, Application, and Environmental.

Protection for businesses of all sizes

Ransomware is more than just an enterprise-level threat. The Druva Data Resiliency Guarantee has lower qualifying offers, to meet the needs of all business sizes.

Improved cyber insurance strategy

Some cyber protection carries terms and conditions that create hurdles for complete coverage. Qualified customers receive the Data Resiliency Guarantee with their Druva service, to augment existing cyber insurance strategies.

Increased ROI of your SaaS investment

The Data Resiliency Guarantee adds immediate value and improved ROI, built on the simplicity of our 100% SaaS data protection, security, and recovery platform – the Data Security Cloud.

Additional Resources

Solution Brief

Take a closer look at the Data Resiliency Guarantee and evaluate how Druva stacks up vs. the competition



Read our latest blog to learn more about how the Data Resiliency Guarantee is bringing peace of mind to Druva customers



Check out our Data Resiliency Guarantee Frequently Asked Questions