
Elevate your MSP Business with a Cloud First Managed Service Center

Kiran Mokashi, Senior Staff Software Engineer

MSPs (Managed Services Provider) offer multiple services to their customers such as data backup and disaster recovery, network security, intrusion detection, protection against cyber attacks, managing of cloud resources, and ensure cloud data security. Amid MSPs’ relentless efforts to expand their customer base, they grapple with a myriad of technical challenges.

  • Server crash or storage malfunctions.

  • Complexities in deploying and managing diverse software applications because of obsolete technologies and inefficient processes.

  • Managing backup of large data volumes and ensuring data retention.

  • Navigating complex recovery processes and managing backup infrastructure effectively.

Addressing these challenges requires a holistic SaaS approach that will enable MSPs to achieve security, centralize management and monitoring, automate backup processes, scale storage solutions, provide reliable recovery, and enhance collaboration.

With the industry’s first at-scale data security solution provided by Druva, MSPs can avail radically simple, cyber-secured, infinitely scalable, SaaS efficient, and data resiliency guaranteed platform. 

Leveraging Druva’s Managed Services Center (MSC) platform MSPs can:

  • Empower their customers to backup, restore, and monitor critical data.

  • Effectively manage their customers' data across on-premise and cloud workloads.

  • Fortifying the security of backup data and rapid data recovery.

Let’s learn more about Druva’s Managed Services Center (MSC) platform.

Druva’s MSC All-in-One Solution: Unveiling Signature Features

Reporting Excellence

Reporting plays a vital role for MSPs in managing their customers. MSPs need reports for billing and accurate invoicing, efficient storage allocation, performance monitoring, risk management, SLA(Service Level Agreement) compliance, etc. By utilizing reports, MSPs can identify areas of improvement, redefine processes, anticipate future needs, and enhance overall service delivery.  Druva’s MSC platform provides the following significant features:

  1. Holistic view of customer reports
    The MSC platform enhances the way MSPs manage, monitor, and bill their customers by providing highly effective, efficient, and enriched reports. This platform provides a holistic view of reports for SLA monitoring, backup and restore jobs management, and chargeback. MSPs don’t need to log on for individual customers to access individual reports. They can instead view consolidated reports on the MSC platform UI. Druva provides several types of consolidated reports that enable MSPs to monitor, communicate, and optimize their services effectively while delivering value.

  2. Comprehensive global reports
    Global reports on the MSC platform offer MSPs a comprehensive view of storage consumption, quota management, resource utilization, and compliance. These reports help MSPs in accurate billing and invoicing for their customers, monitoring key metrics, proactively detecting potential problems, and analyzing trends and historical data to make strategic decisions. In summary, MSC global reports provide a tangible way to enhance the efficiency, transparency, and effectiveness of MSPs in delivering high-quality services to their customers.

  3. Streamlined data access with reporting APIs
    MSC platform provides a programmable and efficient way to access, retrieve, and filter data using reporting APIs. MSPs can leverage these APIs to create personalized dashboards or create customized reports. Reporting APIs facilitate seamless integration with 3rd party applications and platforms like Splunk, Service Now, etc. The MSC platform provides a single set of API credentials using which MSP administrators can fetch and automate reports. For more information, refer to how to create an access token using MSP API credentials  and our Github page.

Effortless Customer Management

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Druva’s MSC platform allows MSPs to define service offerings using the Service Plans feature. The purpose of having Service Plans is to be able to map Druva’s products and their features to the MSP’s offerings. The Service Plans feature allows MSPs to onboard customers efficiently without investing much time and efforts. Druva’s MSC platform has aggregated workloads into 2 types of tenants.

  • Hybrid Workloads: Hybrid workloads protect infrastructure-level workloads like VMWare, NAS, Oracle. Read more about Druva’s Hybrid workloads offering here.

  • SaaS Apps and Endpoints: SaaS Apps protect data stored in different SaaS applications like Microsoft 365, and Google Workspace. Read more about Druva’s M365, and Google Workspace offerings.

Endpoints protect data stored in individual devices like laptops, and desktops. Read more about endpoints here.

Based on the workload MSP's customers need to protect, the MSP can attach the tenant to a specific customer. The MSC platform provides the ability for MSPs to define customizable service plans with custom offering packages and map them to tenants. It gives MSPs the much-required flexibility to map different license editions for different tenants of the same customer. This is useful when the end customer needs different levels of protection for different tenants.

Data Resilient Platform

In this era of a dynamic and interconnected digital world, cyber threats including ransomware, malware, and phishing attacks are evolving rapidly. This means that a secured platform is a must for MSP’s customers. Druva empowers MSPs by providing their customers with a data-resilient platform for fortifying the security of backup data, quick incident response, rapid data recovery from data breaches, and enriched insights into data.

Druva’s Security Posture and Observability provides a real-time overview of your data security posture and deep observability of how data has changed. Its key features are:

  • Data anomalies 

  • Pre-packaged security integrations and APIs

  • Rollback Actions

  • Access events dashboard and alerting

However, despite the safeguards, there can still be cyber attacks. A crucial and challenging step for customers of an MSP is to recover data quickly after an attack. Druva’s data resilient platform strengthens MSPs’ customers by providing a simplified solution to accelerate the complex process of data recovery. Druva’s Accelerated Ransomware Recovery tool includes:

  • APIs and SOAR Integrations

  • Curated Recovery

  • Quarantine

  • Recovery Scans

Learn more about how MSP customers can accomplish protection against ransomware attacks here.

Unlock Seamless Sign-On Experiences

In today’s digital world, MSPs face several complexities and challenges associated for MSPs with managing multiple customers and their passwords, ensuring security, enhancing user experience, and facilitating seamless digital interactions using Single Sign-On (SSO) is a crucial and timely solution.

Druva’s MSC platform supports single sign-on for seamless access management by centralizing authentication and authorization to your identity provider like Okta, and Azure.

Druva’s MSC SSO simplifies the customer experience by allowing them to access multiple services with a single set of credentials that reduces the headache of remembering multiple passwords, streamlining the login process, and enhancing the user experience. By leveraging MSC SSO MSPs can get the following key benefits:

  • Seamless integration

  • Improved security

  • Reduced password fatigue

  • Enhanced user experience and productivity

  • Efficient access management

  • Cost savings

  • Flexibility and scalability

By centralizing authentication and authorization processes and minimizing password-related challenges, SSO provides a more efficient, secure, and user-friendly experience for MSPs and their customers. 


At Druva, we are committed to empowering MSPs with a radically simple, SaaS efficient, highly scalable, cyber-resilient platform to thrive in challenges and opportunities that lie ahead for MSPs.

So what are you waiting for? Come join us at Druva MSC platform and take your managed services to new heights. Together, we can achieve more…