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Druva Achieves FedRAMP ATO: Why this is a game changer?


After a long and rigorous journey, I am happy to announce that Druva inSync has achieved a FedRAMP Moderate ATO via an agency sponsorship. This is a huge milestone for Druva and validates our Cloud Data Protection and Management strategy as a viable and secure option for helping government agencies embrace “Cloud First” as a reality.

Having worked in the world of government-driven product security certifications for quite a while, I know some might say, “You got FedRAMP ATO — so what?” If this was another FIPS or Common Criteria certification, I might agree, given the narrow focus of these certifications. However, achieving a FedRAMP ATO represents membership in very rarified air. Why is this you ask? Read on…

FedRAMP ATO is unique

Since its inception in 2012, fewer than 100 organizations have achieved a FedRAMP ATO. With inSync achieving a FedRAMP ATO, Druva has demonstrated that its security stands out.

FedRAMP ATO demonstrates commitment

FedRAMP ATO takes considerable time and effort from the service provider, 3PAO, and the sponsoring agency. This includes a “no stone unturned” security evaluation and documentation effort, with multiple review cycles.

FedRAMP ATO accelerates adoption

With Druva inSync’s FedRAMP ATO, other agencies can now leverage the current package to accelerate their own adoption of cloud without having to do completely separate security evaluations.

FedRAMP ATO is cloud data security

Druva FedRAMP ATO validates inSync’s cloud data security posture against the only holistic set of cloud data security requirements. As FedRAMP continues to be the model for other organizations and nation-states in the development of their own cloud data security standards, Druva’s ATO validates its security readiness for the broader marketplace.

To learn more about the Druva’s Cloud Data Platform for and Data Management-as-a-Service for government agencies please visit: